ဤသည်မှာ ဤဝီကီရှိ အသုံးပြုသူအုပ်စုများအတွက် အကျုံးဝင်သော စကားဝှက် မူဝါဒများ ဖြစ်သည်။
အုပ်စု | မူဝါဒများ |
ကေားဖန်ဆင်ꩻအကောက်သား (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
အွဉ်ႏတီႏသွူးစွဉ်ႏ ကေားသွုံꩻသားဖုံႏ |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
ဗော့ဖုံႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
ဗျူရိုကရဲက်ဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
စောႏတနာႏစဲစ်ထွားသားဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
Temporary account IP viewers (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
အွောန်ႏထွူဒါႏအတီႏ ကေားသုင်ꩻသားဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
ဒင်ႏသွင်ꩻသားဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
စီႏမံႏဖန်းဖြယ် အပွိုင်အငုဲင်ꩻသားဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
ကလွစ်ထိုꩻလꩻ ဝင်ꩻကပေ့ꩻထိုꩻအုဲင်ပီသားဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
အိုင်ပီသတင်းအချက်အလက်ကိရိယာမှ ပိတ်ပင်ခံရသောအသုံးပြုသူများ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
ပွေားထွားထိန်ꩻသားဖိုင်ႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
Suppressors (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
စီႏမန်ႏဖန်းဖြယ်သားဖုံႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
Transwiki importers (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၁၀ ခုရှိရမည်။
(MinimalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login, must change on login)
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation
- Password must be at least ၁ character long to be able to login
သွုံꩻသားဖုံႏ (အစွိုꩻနွို့စာႏရင်ꩻ) |
- စကားဝှက်တွင် အနည်းဆုံး စကားလုံးများ ၈ ခုရှိရမည်။
- Password cannot be a substring within the username
(PasswordCannotBeSubstringInUsername) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot match a specific list of default passwords
(PasswordCannotMatchDefaults) (suggest change on login)
- Password must be less than ၄၀၉၆ characters long
(MaximalPasswordLength) (suggest change on login)
- Password cannot be in the list of 100,000 most commonly used passwords.
(PasswordNotInCommonList) (suggest change on login)
- Password policy for mitigation of known attacks where disclosure of details would impede the mitigation