သီလီကွန်,  14Si
ကအောဝ်ႏလုဲင်ႏဒါႏ ဂုဏ်သတ္တိဖုံႏ
အမဉ်ꩻ၊ သင်္ကေတသီလီကွန်, Si
အငေါဝ်းထန်ႏ/ˈsɪlɪkən/ or /ˈsɪlɪkɒn/
SIL -ə-kən or SIL -ə-kon
အယောင်ꩻcrystalline, reflective with bluish-tinged faces
ဒြတ်စင် အထဲ့ရော့ꩻ ထာꩻရှောင်ကို သီလီကွန်
Element 1: Hydrogen (H), Other non-metal
Element 2: Helium (He), Noble gas
Element 3: Lithium (Li), Alkali metal
Element 4: Beryllium (Be), Alkaline earth metal
Element 5: Boron (B), Metalloid
Element 6: Carbon (C), Other non-metal
Element 7: Nitrogen (N), Other non-metal
Element 8: Oxygen (O), Other non-metal
Element 9: Fluorine (F), Halogen
Element 10: Neon (Ne), Noble gas
Element 11: Sodium (Na), Alkali metal
Element 12: Magnesium (Mg), Alkaline earth metal
Element 13: Aluminium (Al), Other metal
Element 14: Silicon (Si), Metalloid
Element 15: Phosphorus (P), Other non-metal
Element 16: Sulfur (S), Other non-metal
Element 17: Chlorine (Cl), Halogen
Element 18: Argon (Ar), Noble gas
Element 19: Potassium (K), Alkali metal
Element 20: Calcium (Ca), Alkaline earth metal
Element 21: Scandium (Sc), Transition metal
Element 22: Titanium (Ti), Transition metal
Element 23: Vanadium (V), Transition metal
Element 24: Chromium (Cr), Transition metal
Element 25: Manganese (Mn), Transition metal
Element 26: Iron (Fe), Transition metal
Element 27: Cobalt (Co), Transition metal
Element 28: Nickel (Ni), Transition metal
Element 29: Copper (Cu), Transition metal
Element 30: Zinc (Zn), Transition metal
Element 31: Gallium (Ga), Other metal
Element 32: Germanium (Ge), Metalloid
Element 33: Arsenic (As), Metalloid
Element 34: Selenium (Se), Other non-metal
Element 35: Bromine (Br), Halogen
Element 36: Krypton (Kr), Noble gas
Element 37: Rubidium (Rb), Alkali metal
Element 38: Strontium (Sr), Alkaline earth metal
Element 39: Yttrium (Y), Transition metal
Element 40: Zirconium (Zr), Transition metal
Element 41: Niobium (Nb), Transition metal
Element 42: Molybdenum (Mo), Transition metal
Element 43: Technetium (Tc), Transition metal
Element 44: Ruthenium (Ru), Transition metal
Element 45: Rhodium (Rh), Transition metal
Element 46: Palladium (Pd), Transition metal
Element 47: Silver (Ag), Transition metal
Element 48: Cadmium (Cd), Transition metal
Element 49: Indium (In), Other metal
Element 50: Tin (Sn), Other metal
Element 51: Antimony (Sb), Metalloid
Element 52: Tellurium (Te), Metalloid
Element 53: Iodine (I), Halogen
Element 54: Xenon (Xe), Noble gas
Element 55: Caesium (Cs), Alkali metal
Element 56: Barium (Ba), Alkaline earth metal
Element 57: Lanthanum (La), Lanthanoid
Element 58: Cerium (Ce), Lanthanoid
Element 59: Praseodymium (Pr), Lanthanoid
Element 60: Neodymium (Nd), Lanthanoid
Element 61: Promethium (Pm), Lanthanoid
Element 62: Samarium (Sm), Lanthanoid
Element 63: Europium (Eu), Lanthanoid
Element 64: Gadolinium (Gd), Lanthanoid
Element 65: Terbium (Tb), Lanthanoid
Element 66: Dysprosium (Dy), Lanthanoid
Element 67: Holmium (Ho), Lanthanoid
Element 68: Erbium (Er), Lanthanoid
Element 69: Thulium (Tm), Lanthanoid
Element 70: Ytterbium (Yb), Lanthanoid
Element 71: Lutetium (Lu), Lanthanoid
Element 72: Hafnium (Hf), Transition metal
Element 73: Tantalum (Ta), Transition metal
Element 74: Tungsten (W), Transition metal
Element 75: Rhenium (Re), Transition metal
Element 76: Osmium (Os), Transition metal
Element 77: Iridium (Ir), Transition metal
Element 78: Platinum (Pt), Transition metal
Element 79: Gold (Au), Transition metal
Element 80: Mercury (Hg), Transition metal
Element 81: Thallium (Tl), Other metal
Element 82: Lead (Pb), Other metal
Element 83: Bismuth (Bi), Other metal
Element 84: Polonium (Po), Metalloid
Element 85: Astatine (At), Halogen
Element 86: Radon (Rn), Noble gas
Element 87: Francium (Fr), Alkali metal
Element 88: Radium (Ra), Alkaline earth metal
Element 89: Actinium (Ac), Actinoid
Element 90: Thorium (Th), Actinoid
Element 91: Protactinium (Pa), Actinoid
Element 92: Uranium (U), Actinoid
Element 93: Neptunium (Np), Actinoid
Element 94: Plutonium (Pu), Actinoid
Element 95: Americium (Am), Actinoid
Element 96: Curium (Cm), Actinoid
Element 97: Berkelium (Bk), Actinoid
Element 98: Californium (Cf), Actinoid
Element 99: Einsteinium (Es), Actinoid
Element 100: Fermium (Fm), Actinoid
Element 101: Mendelevium (Md), Actinoid
Element 102: Nobelium (No), Actinoid
Element 103: Lawrencium (Lr), Actinoid
Element 104: Rutherfordium (Rf), Transition metal
Element 105: Dubnium (Db), Transition metal
Element 106: Seaborgium (Sg), Transition metal
Element 107: Bohrium (Bh), Transition metal
Element 108: Hassium (Hs), Transition metal
Element 109: Meitnerium (Mt), Transition metal
Element 110: Darmstadtium (Ds), Transition metal
Element 111: Roentgenium (Rg), Transition metal
Element 112: Copernicium (Cn), Transition metal
Element 113: Ununtrium (Uut)
Element 114: Ununquadium (Uuq)
Element 115: Ununpentium (Uup)
Element 116: Ununhexium (Uuh)
Element 117: Ununseptium (Uus)
Element 118: Ununoctium (Uuo)


အဲက်တမ် အမုဲင်ရဲန်ႏ (Z)14
အဗူႏဘလော့group 14 (carbon group)
အထဲ့ရော့ꩻ ထာꩻရွောင်period  3
ဒြပ်စင် ကဏ္ဍ  metalloid
အှောန်ႏထော့ခါꩻ အဲက်တမ်မေက် အထှူႏခေန်ႏ (Ar)28.085[] (28.084–28.086)[]
အီလဲက္ထရွန် ကဖျင်ထာꩻ[Ne] 3s2 3p2
အပီတထွိုင်ကို ကပါဒါႏ အီလဲက္ထရွန်2, 8, 4
ပှိုင်းဝှို့တုမ်ႏ ယောင်ꩻဖဲ့ဂုဏ်သတ္တိဖုံႏ
အခြုံးခြီအီအလျား1687 K ​(1414 °C, ​2577 °F)
အထီဗို့ꩻအီအလျား3538 K ​(3265 °C, ​5909 °F)
အနဲန်းအတဉ်ႏ (အခန်ꩻအလျား ၊ လမ်းဟောင်းကိုအလျား)2.3290 g/cm3
2.57 g/cm3
ဖျှူးဆဉ်းအလျား50.21 kJ/mol
အတအှိုထန်ႏအလျား383 kJ/mol
မိုလာ အလျားအာႏရဲင်ꩻ19.789 J/(mol·K)
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
at T (K) 1908 2102 2339 2636 3021 3537
ထွာအောက်သုဲက် (အောက်သုဲက်ဒေးဆဉ်း) အထျꩻအအုံ4, 3, 2, 1[] −1, −2, −3, −4 ​(an amphoteric oxide)
ဓာတ်ငင်ႏအီလက်ထရွန် Pauling scale: 1.90
အာႏတောင်ႏတာႏမာꩻထွာအုဲင်းယွန်း1st: 786.5 kJ/mol
2nd: 1577.1 kJ/mol
3rd: 3231.6 kJ/mol
အဲက်တမ်မေက် ဒွါႏအကဲန်တကှို့ꩻempirical: 111 pm
ကိုဗေးလဲန့်ဒွါႏအကဲန်တကှို့ꩻ 111 pm
ဗန်ဒါဝေါ့သ် ဒွါႏအကဲန်တကှို့ꩻ210 pm
ကမာꩻထွာခါꩻထာꩻကြုံးface-centered diamond-cubic
Diamond cubic crystal structure for သီလီကွန်
အငေါဝ်းအမှိုင် 8433 m/s (at 20 °C)
အလျားမာꩻတခြက်ထာꩻ2.6 µm/(m·K) (at 25 °C)
အလျားတွီကာႏထာꩻ149 W/(m·K)
တျာႏရဲးကမ်းထာꩻ2.3×10 Ω·m (at 20 °C)[]
Band gap1.12 eV (at 300 K)
ပသီႏထှို့ꩻ ကခှေါင်းအီဒါႏထာꩻ (χmol)−3.9·10−6 cm3/mol (298 K)[]
Young's modulus130–188 GPa[]
Shear modulus51–80 GPa[]
Bulk modulus97.6 GPa[]
ပွုဲင်သွန် အဗျင်ႏ- ပွိုင်စွန် အချိုး0.064–0.28[]
Mohs hardness7
CAS Number7440-21-3
ကဖေႏအမဉ်ꩻသားafter Latin 'silex' or 'silicis', meaning flint
ကဟောꩻခြုဲင်းခါꩻရီးထာꩻAntoine Lavoisier (၁၇၈၇)
ကထုမ်ႏမော့ꩻ ယင်း ဖဖြှဲ့ꩻထန်ႏ အရီးသွတ်ꩻလဲင်ႏJöns Jacob Berzelius[][] (၁၈၂၃)
ကဖေႏခါꩻ အမဉ်ꩻသားThomas Thomson (1817)
အစှူဖြှိုးသွတ်ꩻ သီလီကွန်သီး အုဲင်သိုတုပ်ဖုံႏ
iso NA သက်တန်ꩻတာကွို့ꩻ DM DE

( MeV)

28Si 92.2% is stable with 14 neutrons
29Si 4.7% is stable with 15 neutrons
30Si 3.1% is stable with 16 neutrons
31Si trace 2.62 h β 1.495 31P
32Si trace 153 y β 13.020 32P
ဝီကီဒေတာကို | | အုံနောင်

Element navigation

silicon PT
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These references will appear in the article, but this list appears only on this page.
  1. Conventional Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  2. Standard Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  3. Ram, R. S. (1998). "Fourier Transform Emission Spectroscopy of the A2D–X2P Transition of SiH and SiD". J. Mol. Spectr. 190: 341–352. PMID 9668026. 
  4. Eranna, Golla (2014)။ Crystal Growth and Evaluation of Silicon for VLSI and ULSI။ CRC Press။ p. 7။ ISBN 978-1-4822-3281-3
  5. Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds, in Lide, D.R., ed. (2005)။ CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (86th ed.)။ Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press။ ISBN 0-8493-0486-5
  6. Weast၊ Robert (1984)။ CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics။ Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing။ pp. E110။ ISBN 0-8493-0464-4
  7. ၇.၀ ၇.၁ ၇.၂ ၇.၃ "What is the Young's Modulus of Silicon?" (2010). Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 19 (2): 229. doi:10.1109/JMEMS.2009.2039697. 
  8. Weeks, Mary Elvira (1932). "The discovery of the elements: XII. Other elements isolated with the aid of potassium and sodium: beryllium, boron, silicon, and aluminum". Journal of Chemical Education 9 (8): 1386–1412. doi:10.1021/ed009p1386. en:Bibcode1932JChEd...9.1386W. 
  9. "Silicon era" (2007). Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry 80 (12). doi:10.1134/S1070427207120397.